Second quarter clip contest results, 2016

Judges: The News & Observer
Scott Sharpe, Director of Multimedia and Photography
Chuck Liddy, photojournalist
Robert Willett, photojournalist
Jill Knight, photojournalist


General comments on the category: ­ There were several really nice photos that probably could have done well in a features category. Judges were uncomfortable with the multiple exposure news photo.

1st, Kristen Zeis,The Virginian-Pilot
A very powerful image where the photographer captured a different emotional moment from a tragic incident. Hands down the best of the selections.

2nd, Kevin Morley, Richmond Times-Dispatch
A strong image made better by all of the different expressions of the family members.

3rd, Jay Westcott, The News & Advance
A nice simple moment shot nice and tight.


General comments on the category: ­ There were several strong images in the category that could have been stronger with better attention to cropping, sharpness and toning. Judges commented on several that the photographer just needed to get closer.

1st, Heather Rousseau, Roanoke Times
Excellent juxtaposition here. The girl’s expression is great and that it mirrors the painting behind her makes for an even better frame. Nice content on the edges of the frame makes for a strong, and energetic composition that directs the viewer through layers of good content.

2nd, Kristen Zeis, The Virginian-Pilot
Perfect angle for this shot to achieve great separation between kites and the sky.

3rd, Stephanie Klein-Davis, The Roanoke Times
Great reflection in the instrument. Would have been great to stick with the composition until the cheeks were puffed out with the air.


General comments on the category: ­ The vast majority of the entries would benefit from some very aggressive cropping. Many were cropped much too loosely. Would love to see more off-­the-field storytelling. As an aside, quite a few captions suffered from errors in grammar and/or punctuation. In the online world, there are often far fewer layers of editing between the photographer and the reader. Attention to detail in this area is essential.

1st, Jonathon Gruenke, Daily Press
Nice peak action, the expressions of each player and the composition of the action make for a winning photograph. A good crop would enhance the image and strengthen the elements for the audience.

2nd, Lee Luther Jr, Amherst New Era-Progress, freelance
An unusual situation captured at the peak moment, great reaction by the photographer.

3rd, Jonathon Gruenke, Daily Press
A clean background and the right lens selection helped make this celebration stand out from others. Pure joy. Experimenting with a crop could help enhance the connection with the audience.

HM, Shelby Lum, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Nice use of lens selection, and paying attention to happening after a sporting event produced a nice moment between winner and loser.


General comments on the category: ­ Some very nice winners here and a couple of shots that would have been stronger contenders with stronger, more aggressive crops.

1st, Jill Nance, The News & Advance
This is a wonderful photography that captures both moment and personality. I look at this photo and I want to meet this woman. Excellent composition, lens selection, and use of limited depth of field. To nitpick, a slight crop from the left would have eliminated a distracting bright vertical light near the edge of the frame.

2nd, James Diem, Eastern Shore news
We’re all presented with run­and­gun situations for portraits that aren’t always that dynamic. Nice use of the chain link fence to create a compositional element that helped compensate for a less than dynamic situation.

3rd, Aileen Devlin, Daily Press
Getting the assignment to photograph your winner of your newspaper’s reader poetry contest might not be the highlight of a photojournalist’s day, but this photo is excellent. Nice thought and execution including cropping. It’s great when you have a portrait subject that’s game to try something different and this photographer made the most of it with a simple but impactful photo.


1st, Jonathon Gruenke, Daily Press
A nice package of photos on the death of a man who had suffered from Alzheimer’s. There are some very strong images here and as a whole, the package would be stronger with some tighter editing. Obviously, a very tough story to shoot, but the photographer captured images that show love and dignity.

2nd, Jill Nance, The News & Advance
Some very nice moments in this package, and once again, tighter editing would help a great deal. The photographer did a nice job in varying camera angles and capturing moments. Nice crops throughout.

3rd, Rob Ostermaier, Daily Press
A short and simple package on the Golden Knights done well despite having to shoot much of it in the very tight confines of the jump plane. Nice moments and clean compositions really made the difference here.

HM, Shelby Lum, The Richmond Times-Dispatch
The photographer captured some very nice moments here, but here’s another piece that needed tighter editing. The focus seems to be more on the triplets, which may have been the story line, but we really wanted to see more of the parents and the impact of three kids of the same age on them. This would also help bring up the string of happy kid moments.